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Yahara House has Clubhouse International Accreditation

Yahara House is part of Clubhouse International, meaning we are an accredited Clubhouse. The accreditation process is both evaluative and consultative. Accreditation is awarded for either a one- or three-year period, subject to the degree of adherence by the Clubhouse to the Standards. It is conducted by members of the Clubhouse International Faculty,  which is composed of veteran members and staff from Accredited Clubhouses around the world.


The Clubhouse environment and structures are developed in a way to ensure that there is ample opportunity for human interaction and that there is more than enough work to do.


Clubhouse staffing levels are purposefully kept low to create a perpetual need for the involvement of the members in order to accomplish their jobs. Members also need the staff and other members in order to complete the work, but even more importantly, the relationships that evolve through this work together are the key ingredient in Clubhouse rehabilitation. (Vorspan, 1986). The Clubhouse members and staff as a community are charged with prioritizing, organizing and accomplishing the tasks that are important to make the Clubhouse a success. 


Relationships between members and staff develop naturally as they work together side by side carrying out the daily duties of the Clubhouse. All staff are involved in Clubhouse activities including the daily work duties, cleaning, the evening social and recreational programs, the employment programs, reach out, supported education and community support responsibilities. Members and staff share the responsibility for the successful operation of the Clubhouse. Working closely together each day, members and staff learn of each other’s strengths, talents and abilities. They also develop real and lasting friendships.  

Clubhouse International Standards

The International Standards for Clubhouse Programs™, agreed upon by all our member Clubhouses, define the Clubhouse Model of rehabilitation. The Standards:

  • Are at the heart of the success experienced by Clubhouses around the world helping people with mental illness stay out of hospitals while achieving social, financial, educational, and vocational goals;

  • Serve as a “bill of rights” for members and a code of ethics for Clubhouse staff, boards and administrators, and a reminder that Clubhouses must be places that offer respect and opportunities to members;

  • Provide the basis for assessing Clubhouse quality through the Clubhouse International Accreditation™ process.

Every two years the worldwide Clubhouse community reviews these Standards and amends them as necessary. The process is coordinated by the Clubhouse International Standards Review Committee, made up of members and staff from Accredited Clubhouses around the world. The Standards insist that a Clubhouse is a place that offers respect and opportunity to its members.

Our Auspice Agency

Journey Mental Health Center plays a supporting role in Yahara House running its own community program based on the International Clubhouse model of evidence-based practices. Find more about Journey Mental Health Center and all of the programs they support:


A Brief History of Journey Mental Health Center


Journey Mental Health Center's mission is to improve people’s lives by pioneering and sustaining effective mental health and substance use disorder services. Its vision is to become a center of excellence for the provision of behavioral health services. Founded on Nov. 16, 1948 as the Dane County Child Guidance Center with six employees, Journey has grown into a size-able community mental health clinic with over 500 staff members. We are dedicated to innovation and cutting-edge programs. 

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